All About


Abacus is the core of math and arithmetic skill any child should learn at the age of 6 to 14 It is like building all the necessary soft skills or I might say life skills such as listening, concentration, speed, confidence and memory. These skills are not applicable only when they learn math, it applies for what ever subject they choose to read and develop. Once ‘The FEAR of Numbers’ is erased from the soul of the child, he/she can dwell into other concepts.


About Us

Abacus is a after school concept, aiding the children with their skill development. To be one of the most preferred Abacus Franchise Company to be associated with in the field of Abacus and other related educational programs by providing Quality in Abacus Training and other related aspects, ensuring Overall and Continuous Growth of our Stakeholders, thereby shouldering Social Responsibility.
the abacus is a skill that is worth learning at proper age. Yes, we mean it! You can start your abacus coaching class by learning abacus. If you are passionate about the subject, then think no more. We are here to guide you. At QMAC Abacus, we stress this point, because learning abacus is not just to solve mathematical problems and manipulate numbers. Abacus is a tool that sharpens one’s brain, preparing him/ her to face the competitive world.Abacus classes are educational programs that teach students how to use the abacus, which is a century-old math tool used for calculation. These classes help students develop mental calculation skills and improve brain activity. The abacus can be used for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


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 To provide aspiring Teachers and Students Value Based Quality Abacus Training and Education by adopting innovative teaching and learning practices that will create proactive leaders.
